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think stats note 2 descriptive statistics

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categories | book 
tags | probability  statistics  python 

mean and average

μ = 1/n ∑x[i]

  • The “mean” of a sample is the summary statistic computed with the previous formula.

  • An “average” is one of many summary statistics you might choose to describe the typical value or the central tendency of a sample.

mean and variance

σ2 = 1/n ∑(x[i] − μ)2

  • The mean is intended to describe the central tendency.

  • The variance is intended to describe the spread.

probability distribution and representation

matplotlib.pyplot plotting


hist = {}
for x in t:
    hist[x] = hist.get(x, 0) + 1

probability mass function

n = float(len(t))
pmf = {}
for x, freq in hist.items():
    pmf[x] = freq / n


trim the data by discarding some fraction of the highest and lowest values

relative risk

conditional probability

reporting results

The answer might depend on who is asking the question.

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